This just fell together when I was mixing and matching scraps - I have that sometimes. Couldn't find any challenge that matched it (usually its the other way round :)) so posting it anyway. Thanks to Sue (Suzz) for the scraps of paper she sent me a while ago - the background panel was from her and I believe she had used gesso on it?
The fourth 'A', which is very late in coming is APPRECIATE!
Now and again I get reminded that my marriage needs more attention than I am giving it.
The last 'A' was how having an attitude to adapt, as a
service to the Lord, can have an astounding effect in your marriage. A
man has the DNA of being a leader and the woman as being a helper. If
these two can fuse together, in their God given roles, a harmonious
marriage can result which in turn brings fruit to the Church and
society. A good functioning couple brings harmony in the lives of their
children too!
Here is Marabel... Quote
you grow older you'll find that the one thing to treasure most in life
is loyalty and the worst and hardest thing to accept is ingratitude"...
were words I heard recently. I pondered over these words... Ingratitude
is almost the antithesis of loyalty.
"Maybe it's the age we are
living in; but everybody seems so unappreciative and my wife heads the
pack"... was another thing I recently heard.
There is no joy in
giving, if the receiver is ungrateful. An ungrateful wife is no joy to
her husband. They have forgotten those simple words 'thank you".
involves two parts - internal and external. First of all, a wife cannot
be grateful if she's grasping for her rights. If she feels she has the
to everything, she will not express sincere
gratitude. Only if she yields this right to her Creator is she able to
fully appreciate her privileges.
Secondly, appreciation from within must
be communicated outwardly, by words, attitude, or action. A heart of
gratitude must express itself. A thankful person cannot keep quiet.
Don't let your 'rights' keep you from being grateful!
you appreciative of the basics your husband knocks himself out to
provide to support the family? What about when he brings you a gift....
even if you don't like it? His only reward is seeing how pleased you
are. Be very sensitive how you react by telling him how thoughtful he is
for thinking of you. You don't have to be insincere about it if you
don't like what he bought, but your attitude is so important! A sincere
"Thank you honey" will satisfy any husband whether it be for a mink
stole or a bag of popcorn! The Biblical admonition "It is more blessed
to give than to receive' is so true. Don't keep your husband from being
Well, I believe this was the simplest one
of the four, but still important, not to take what our husbands do for
granted and to show our appreciation in word and deed to them. I know it
encourages my husband when I say thank you for all the things he does
-it seems to uplift his spirit and gives him a sense of well being.
have been very guilty in the past of not showing my appreciation for
the gifts my DH brought home. If he brought flowers I would complain
that I would have rather had a plant, because then I could enjoy it more
by putting it in the garden... only thinking in the practical sense of
'more value for our money'. He has always reacted very hurt to this way
of 'practical' thinking and hasn't felt encouraged to bring me home
flowers on impulse! I have put a damper on him wanting to surprise me
because he was scared I wouldn't like anything of his choice, whether it
be clothing or jewelry and that has remained for many years. Now, I
don't care what he brings home, I just accept it and thank him for it in
a sincere way - it isn't important what it is, it's the thought and the
warm heart behind it that I love!
For those interested, I hope it was just a little reminder for us!