Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Winner's wine labels

Hello ladies,
I have decided to send Connie Crafter and Nellie some wine labels as I know they haven't had the chance to use these wine labels before. My e-mail is Please send me your address - thanks.

Just sharing a card I made a while ago with Penny Black Butterfly stamp, stamped and embossed on vellum and colored with alcohol inks.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

New Stamps and little give-away

I was inspired by two special crafting ladies to purchase these stamps. I only try to invest in stamps that will bring lots of inspiration and are practical to make cards.

First one was inspired by Virginia, from her blog 'Yes, Virginia'. You can find her blogpost here. I will use these stamps for envelopes and cards. The set is from Simon Say's Stamp and is called 'Sending Flowers'. I bet you will love Virginia's envelopes. Funnily enough, I haven't seen them anyway else on the blogs.


This second card was made with the set from SSS called Spring Flowers. Sally Sherfield uses this set in such a beautiful way on her cards. Take a look here on her blog.

As you can see, I have used a wine label on both cards, because that was my idea before the stamps arrived and I stuck to it.

Speaking of wine labels... I still have loads and would like to give away a little package to somebody who would love to craft with them, including some of the labels I have used today. I will let random org. pick somebody from the comment section. 

Thanks to all who visit and leave such lovely comments, so appreciate it!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What do you do with certain stamps?

Happy sunny Wednesday!
Yesterday I had put some stamps to the side, thinking, what am I going to use these for?

As I was browsing through Pinterest my eye caught a card and I immediately thought of one of the stamps I had put aside. Could it be - could I possibly find a use for this stamp?
Well this is the stamp:

and this is my card, collage style, using paper from my friend Maria, and snippets from my snippet box:

Sometimes its good to hang on to stamps and not be too quick on giving up on them.

Just above a shot from my snippet box.

This is Hanaë, my granddaughter, just to share some more sunshine!!
Enjoy Spring!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


We are  having lovely Spring weather! Our Cherry tree has been in full bloom and will yield abundantly again this year.


I just wanted to make some cards with Spring as my theme. I have edited my first card because I was able to get a good photo with the light at the moment and it looks better this way! Have to mention my little chicken prop.. bought her in Spain a couple of years ago.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Winner and some collage cards

Hi there! I have been away two weekends, had a lovely break in the Spainsh coastal town of Rosas and just this week I did a random org on my phone, not knowing that there were two more comments awaiting moderation - so I did 1-16 and got number 16 - believe it or not, it is Dee from England, a very creative lady. Sorry to the other two, but I think I will be having more give aways as I have lots of stamps that I don't use and I have passed the stage of selling things on the Internet. The work involved is just too much.
I am still having problems with taking photographs and it frustrates me so much that I just give up! So I do the best I can with scanning nowadays.

I just want to share a photo of my third granddaughter, Hanaë. She is three months now and such a joy!!

I love to create like this because I can use up so many papers that need to be used!

Hope to be back soon as I sold 14 cards last week and that motivates me to get some more done!

Many blessings to you all!