Back again with more ideas. The card above is a scrap card, probably the easiest and quickest I have done and suitable for Christmas with a very strong message. These cards are quick and easy to make! It is about 5x5 inches, as are the cards below.
But first I have to share something that always impresses me about God. At the end of June I sent a package to Andi (RrlScrapGal) as I was having a clear out of my craft supplies. The package didn't arrive. I was disappointed as I had done everything possible (even filled in a custom's form which I often forget and the package arrives anyway) to make sure she got it. Three months had passed and just recently I perceived a heart voice questioning me if I had prayed for the package to arrive. I love the fact that God always prods me in the direction of exercizing my faith! So I prayed! Just yesterday I heard that the package had arrived - all in one piece too! I am awesomely amazed at how delicate prayer is. I have at times lost my faith in prayer and God has never forced or disciplined me about it - look how the Father pulls His children in love to pick up prayer issues and really believe Him for them. OK this is a small detail in life, but I believe God wants us to pray for EVERYTHING! OK point made.
Another testimony, I just have to tell you this - a while ago I had lost my camera and felt sure I had left it in the last hotel we were at. Three days passed and I was whining about my beloved camera.... until my DH says 'Have you prayed for it' - well - no, in fact I hadn't.... just 20 minutes later I was rummaging in a craft box and my eye fell on it just sitting there on the shelf - I must have walked past several hundred times... YES I BELIEVE IN PRAYER - all sorts - for everything in life, things that surround me, things that don't surround me directly but need it! What a challenge awaits us daily to trust the heavenly Father and to pray in Jesus Name!
So here are two more cards which have been recycled from last years Christmas cards. I stamped on them with a Joy for you definition stamp from Hero Arts.

Just rememberd these little Christmas tags that I recycled last year too.
Getting low on nice cards to recycle though - I will probably be attacking my birthday cards soon.... not the nice ones though!! LOL