This is a card I made with all scraps after a lovely lady gave me a bag of craft stuff - including some envelopes with loads of sissix tags, flowers, photoframes etc. At first I thought the tags looked like tombstones with the rounded top edge so I glued them to different shaped tags, now they look like mini houses.
This is Lucky, our cat. We have had him for at least 6 years now, maybe more. I was sitting outside yesterday evening enjoying the cool breeze watching the sun set and listening to the wind blowing through the Cypress tree (which is an awesome sound) and he came to keep me company (he always does that), so I thought I would take his picture.
(Books for the beach!)
Saturday we leave for Spain where I don't have Internet. I know of a cybercafé in a Chinese takeaway where I might check in now and again. I have been very busy getting our home ready for two families who will be renting it while we are away. It has been hot and muggy to work in too!! Alot of cleaning and emptying of cupboards, etc.! Luckily I have had help from my boys and a cleaning lady.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and until then - AU REVOIR - GOOD BYE and TOT ZIENS!!